James W. Alexander on Applying God's Word

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Monday, July 8, 2013 at 7:00 AM

“He who trusts in God's Word as an infallible directory, will never find a day in which he can live without its guidance. He cannot rise from his sleep, without query how the day's plan may be laid so as to find him, like Enoch, walking with God; or take his early meal, without a purpose that it be sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. He cannot receive his dues, without considering how much he oweth unto his Lord, and how much he is in danger from the mammon of unrighteousness.  He cannot meet a friend, without casting about for a Scripture maxim which may sanctify their union; or an enemy, without guarding his temper by the precept of forgiveness.  Nor can he close his doors, and "go up to the habitation of his bed," until he has looked back over the journey of the day, and applied to it the lesson of God's statutes.  And the fact that all this is unknown in the days of any professing Christians, is too conclusive an argument of their habitual distrust of heavenly truth as the instrument of their sanctification."
James W. Alexander


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