Greg Bahnsen on Reasoning

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Friday, October 31, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“To reason with the non-Christian in a fashion purporting to be independent of God or independent of reliance upon revelation is to honor the unregenerate's notions of "evidence" and "verification" as legitimate and correct. However, for the Christian, it is Scripture that governs every aspect of his life, even his concept of "evidence" and the way he reasons with skeptics.”

Greg Bahnsen

Greg Bahnsen on Defending God's Word

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“We must not defend our message (that Christ's Word is self-attesting and possessing ultimate authority from the Lord) with a method that works counter to it- by claiming an ultimate epistemological standard outside of Christ's Word of truth.”

Greg Bahnsen

Greg Bahnsen on God's Sovereignty

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 5:20 AM

“God either rules as sovereign in interpretation over all areas of life or none.”
Greg Bahnsen

Greg Bahnsen on Faith

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“Without faith, there is no proper understanding by which a man can judge. As Augustine well said, 'I believe in order to understand'.”

Greg Bahnsen

Greg Bahnsen on Christianity

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Monday, October 27, 2014 at 5:16 AM

“We must not be satisfied to present Christianity as the most reliable position to hold among the competing options available. Rather, the Christian faith is the only reasonable outlook available to men.”
Greg Bahnsen

A.W. Pink on Evangelism

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Friday, October 24, 2014 at 5:31 AM

"Most of the so-called evangelism of our day is a grief to genuine Christians, for they feel that it lacks any scriptural warrant, that it is dishonoring unto God, and that it is filling the churches with empty professors. They are shocked that so much frothy superficiality, fleshly excitement and worldly allurement should be associated with the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They deplore the cheapening of the Gospel, the beguiling of unwary souls, and the carnalizing and commercializing of what is to them ineffably sacred. It requires little spiritual discernment to perceive that the evangelistic activities of Christendom during the last century have steadily deteriorated from bad to worse "
A.W. Pink

Isaac Watts on Creation and Providence

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , , | Posted On Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 5:20 AM

I SING the almighty power of God, 
That made the mountains rise, 
That spread the flowing seas abroad, 
And built the lofty skies. 

I sing the wisdom that ordained 
The sun to rule the day; 
The moon shines full at His command 
And all the stars obey. 

I sing the goodness of the Lord 
That filled the earth with food; 
He formed the creatures with His word. 
And then pronounced them good.

There's not a plant or flower below
But makes His glories known.; 
And clouds arise, and tempests blow, 
By order from His throne.

Creatures, as numerous as they be,
Are subject to His care; 
There's not a place where we can flee 
But God is present there.

His hand is my perpetual guard,
 He keeps me with His eye; 
Why should I then forget the Lord, 
 Who is for ever nigh? 

Isaac Watts
(Divine Songs for Children - Song 2)

J.R. Miller on The Christian Life

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 5:26 AM

“Religion and common life are not two different and distinct things. We may not cut our existence in two parts, and say, "Over this Christ shall rule — but over that He shall have no control." 

True religion knows no difference between Sunday and Monday, so far as the ethics of life are concerned.  Each day brings its own specific duties; but there are not moral precepts for the one day which are suspended when its sun sets, that for six days a mitigated or less holy law may prevail.  Holiness is to be the Christian's dress all the week through, in every hour's conduct. All pleasures and amusements must be tested by the unvarying rule of right.  The standard of perfect purity cannot be lowered.”

J.R. Miller

Thomas Manton on Christianity

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 5:19 AM

“Christianity, of all religions, is the meekest and most humble.  It is founded upon the blood of Christ, who is a Lamb slain.  It is consigned and sealed by the Spirit of Christ, who descended like a dove. Both are emblems of a meek and modest humility.  And should a meek religion be defended by our violences, and the God of peace served with wrathful affections, and the madness of an evil nature bewray itself in the best cause? Christ’s warfare needeth not such carnal weapons; as Achish said, ‘Have I need of mad men?’ 1 Sam. 21:15.  So, hath Jesus Christ need of our passions and furies?  Doth the God of heaven need  a tongue set on fire of hell? James 3:6.”

Thomas Manton

G.K. Chesterton on Comfort

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Monday, October 20, 2014 at 5:14 AM

“Comforts that were rare among our forefathers are now multiplied in factories and handed out wholesale; and indeed, nobody nowadays, so long as he is content to go without air, space, quiet, decency and good manners, need be without anything whatever that he wants; or at least a reasonably cheap imitation of it.”

G.K. Chesterton

Richard Baxter on Preaching

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Friday, October 17, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“A sermon full of mere words, how neatly so ever it is composed, while it wants the light of evidence, and the life of zeal, is but an image or a well-dressed carcass.”

Richard Baxter

E.M. Bounds on Prayer

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“A holy life does not live in the closet, but it cannot live without the closet.”

E.M. Bounds

Ernest Reisinger on Evangelism

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“It is not only in the world today that evangelism is needed. It is needed in the church.”

Ernest Reisinger

C.S. Lewis on Belief

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.”

C.S. Lewis

Ezekiel Hopkins on God

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Monday, October 13, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“Unless the being of a God be presupposed, no tolerable account can be given of the being of anything.”

Ezekiel Hopkins

Ernest Reisinger on Assurance

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Friday, October 10, 2014 at 5:13 AM

“It is clear that obedience is intimately related to assurance; if we do not live and practice righteousness we have no reason to think that we are “born of God.””

Ernest Reisinger

John Howe Dealing with Sin

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 5:30 AM

“The wrong that man had done to the Divine Majesty, should be expiated by none but man, and could be by none but God.”

John Howe

George Downame on the Great Physician

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 6:18 AM

“Our Physician makes these outward blisters in our bodies, to draw out the poisonous corruption that is in our souls: and therefore let us endure what He imposes with patience, and never murmur against Him for effecting His cure; knowing that it is but childish folly to abhor the medicine more than the disease, and that we count them madmen who rage against the physician who intends their recovery.

Let us rather rejoice that the Lord is content to minister to us, because seeing He undertakes to cure us by these medicines, it is a sign that we are not past recovery.  For when in our diseases our estate is desperate, He leaves us to our own appetite, to have what our hearts can desire, and to take our fill of the pleasures of sin.”

George Downame

G.K. Chesterton on Simplification

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 6:44 AM

“The simplification of anything is always sensational.”

G.K. Chesterton

Horatius Bonar Hymn on Praising God in All Our LIfe

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , , , | Posted On Monday, October 6, 2014 at 5:30 AM


Fill thou my life, O Lord my God,
in every part with praise,
that my whole being may proclaim
thy being and thy ways.

Not for the lip of praise alone,
nor e'en the praising heart
I ask, but for a life made up
of praise in every part!

Praise in the common things of life,
its goings out and in;
praise in each duty and deed,
however small and mean.

Fill every part of me with praise;
let all my being speak
of thee and of thy love, O Lord,
poor though I be, and weak.

So shalt thou, Lord, from me, e'en me,
receive the glory due;
and so shall I begin on earth
the song forever new.

So shall each fear, each fret, each care
be turned into a song,
and every winding of the way
the echo shall prolong;

So shall no part of day or night
from sacredness be free;
but all my life, in every step
be fellowship with thee. 

Horatius Bonar

Albert Barnes on Christian Living and The Gospel

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , , | Posted On Friday, October 3, 2014 at 5:22 AM

“In our manner of speech, our plans of living, our dealings with others, our conduct and walk in the church and out of it – all should be done as becomes the gospel (Phil. 1:27).”

Albert Barnes

G.K. Chesterton on War

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 5:13 AM

“The only defensible war is a war of defense.”

G.K. Chesterton

Blaise Pascal on the Love of God

Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: , | Posted On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 5:34 AM

“The knowledge of God is very far from the love of Him.”

Blaise Pascal