'That there is such a power, and that this power belongs to God, no other reason needs be assigned, but, that “he is God, and there is none besides him: “there can be no more, because,
1. There can be but one infinite; for such a being fills heaven and earth; and so there is no place or room for another.
2. There can be but one omnipotent; for he that is such, has all others under his feet: besides, where one can do all, more would be impertinent.
3. There can be but one supreme; supreme power may reside in many, as in mixed monarchies and commonwealths; but as lawmakers and supreme, they are but one.
4. There can be but one first cause, from which all beings else derive their original; “of whom, and for whom, are all things,” 1 Corinthians 8:6. And if he is the Author of all, he needs must have a sovereign right and power to determine all; both as to their being, order, efficacy, and end."
Elisha Coles