In light of this coming Monday (6/10) being the day I will, Lord willing, post the 1000th quote on this blog I will be giving away a book. You will be able to choose between one of my favorite puritan books: Jeremiah Burroughs' -
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment or you can choose William Einwechter's -
Walking in the Law of the Lord.

You can begin entering right away and here is what you need to do to get multiple entires.
1) Leave a comment below sharing what your favorite quote is on this site.
**You get 2 entries if you list your favorite quote.**
2) Share this giveaway on your website or blog. Just leave a link in the comment section below.
3) Share the giveaway on Facebook and leave a comment that you have done so below
4) Share the giveaway on Google+ and leave a comment that you have done so below
To get an entry you do need to leave a comment here as to what entries you have. I appreciate "likes" and "+1's" but so as to better track what entries everyone has I need a comment left on the blog.
That's all there is to it. 4 ways to enter and you can use all of them to get 5 entires. The giveaway will run until 6PM EST June 15th, 2013.
**This giveaway is limited to the US due to shipping costs**