George Whitefield on Calvinism
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: calvinism, George Whitefield | Posted On Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 9:00 AM
James Madison on Providence
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: James Madison, Providence | Posted On Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 9:00 AM
"We have all been encouraged to feel in the guardianship and guidance of that Almighty Being whose power regulates the destiny of nations, whose blessings have been so conspicuously dispensed to this rising Republic."
James Madison
(Inaugural Address)
J.C. Ryle on Prayer
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: J.C. Ryle, Prayer | Posted On Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 9:00 AM
"Do you wish to grow in grace and be a holy Christian? Then never forget the value of prayer."
~ J.C. Ryle~
Daniel Webster on The Word of God
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: Daniel Webster | Posted On Monday, October 25, 2010 at 9:00 AM
"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper. I make it a practice to read the Bible through once every year."
Daniel Webster
Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Family
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: Family, Martyn Lloyd-Jones | Posted On Friday, October 22, 2010 at 9:00 AM
"Whether we like it or not, a breakdown in home-life will eventually lead to a breakdown everywhere. This is, surely, the most menacing and dangerous aspect of the state of society at this present time. Once the family idea, the family unit, the family life is broken up - once that goes, soon you will have no other allegiance."
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
David Brainerd on God
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: David Brainerd, God | Posted On Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 9:00 AM
"God was so precious to my soul that the world with all its enjoyments appeared vile. I had no more value for the favor of men than for pebbles."
David Brainerd
A.W. Tozer on Worship
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: A.W. Tozer, Worship | Posted On Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at 9:30 AM
"In my opinion, the great single need of the moment is that light-hearted superficial religionists be struck down with a vision of God high and lifted up, with His train filling the temple. The holy art of worship seems to have passed away like the Shekinah glory from the tabernacle. As a result, we are left to our own devices and forced to make up the lack of spontaneous worship by bringing in countless cheap and tawdry activities to hold the attention of the church people."
A.W. Tozer
John Calvin
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: John Calvin, Work of the Spirit | Posted On Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 9:00 AM
John Witherspoon on Liberty
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: John Witherspoon, Liberty | Posted On Monday, October 18, 2010 at 9:00 AM
"That he is the best friend to American liberty, who is most sincere and active in promoting true and undefiled religion, and who sets himself with the greatest firmness to bear down profanity and immorality of every kind."
John Witherspoon
Martin Luther on Idolitry
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: Idolatry, Martin Luther | Posted On Friday, October 15, 2010 at 9:00 AM
Anything that one imagines of God apart from Christ is only useless thinking and vain idolatry
John Newton on Wisdom
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: John Newton, Wisdom | Posted On Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 9:00 AM
“The chief means for attaining wisdom, and suitable gifts for the ministry, are the Holy Scriptures, and prayer."
John Newton
Charles Spurgeon on the Old and New Testament
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: Charles Spurgeon, old and new testament | Posted On Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 9:00 AM
The religion of both Old and New Testaments is marked by fervent outspoken testimonies against evil. To speak smooth things in such a case may be sentimentalism, but it is not Christianity. It is a betrayal of the cause of truth and righteousness.
Jonathan Edwards on Jesus Christ
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: Jesus Christ, Jonathan Edwards | Posted On Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 11:28 AM
Now can we suppose that Christ came down from heaven and went through all this upon uncertainties, not knowing what purchase he should get, how great or how small? Did he die only upon probabilities, without absolute certainty who, or how many, or whether any should be redeemed by what he did and suffered?
~ Jonathan Edwards ~
John Jay on Rulers
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: John Jay, Rulers | Posted On at 9:30 AM
"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers. And it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."
John Jay
( 1st Chief Justice of the United States)
Richard Baxter on Assurance
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: Assurance, Richard Baxter | Posted On Monday, October 11, 2010 at 11:35 AM
“Christians, rest not till you can call this, rest your own, sit not down without assurance, get alone, and question with thyself; bring thy heart to the bar of trial, force it to answer the interrogatories put to it, set the conditions of the gospel and qualifications of the saints on one side, and thy performance of those conditions and the qualifications of thy soul on the other side, and then judge how near they resemble.”
“Yet, be sure thou judge by a true touchstone, and mistake not the scripture description of a saint, that thou neither acquit nor condemn thyself upon mistakes : for, as. groundless hopes do tend to confusion and are the greatest cause of most men's damnation; so groundless doubtings do tend to discomforts, and are the great cause of the disquieting of the saints.”
“Yet, be sure thou judge by a true touchstone, and mistake not the scripture description of a saint, that thou neither acquit nor condemn thyself upon mistakes : for, as. groundless hopes do tend to confusion and are the greatest cause of most men's damnation; so groundless doubtings do tend to discomforts, and are the great cause of the disquieting of the saints.”
Richard Baxter
Charles Spurgeon on Anxiety
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: Anxiety, Charles Spurgeon | Posted On Friday, October 8, 2010 at 9:00 AM
"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength."
Charles Spurgeon
Thomas Jefferson on Liberty
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: Liberty, Thomas Jefferson | Posted On Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 7:00 AM
“Liberty is to the collective body, what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society.”
~Thomas Jefferson~
Samuel Rutherford on Trials and Obedience
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: Obedience, Samuel Rutherford, Trials | Posted On Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 9:00 AM
Samuel Rutherford
Thomas Jefferson on the Government
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: government, Health, People, Thomas Jefferson | Posted On Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 7:00 AM
“If people let government dictate what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
~Thomas Jefferson~
A.W. Tozer of Worship
Posted by Bluegrass Endurance | Labels: A.W. Tozer, Worship | Posted On Monday, October 4, 2010 at 10:57 AM
"The purpose of God in sending His Son to die and rise and live and be at the right hand of God the Father was that He might restore to us the missing jewel, the jewel of worship; that we might come back and learn to do again that which we were created to do in the first place – worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, to spend our time in awesome wonder and adoration of God, feeling and expressing it, and letting it get into our labors and doing nothing except as an act of worship to Almighty God through His Son, Jesus Christ. "
A.W. Tozer
Charles Spurgeon on Spending your Time Wisely
Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: Charles Spurgeon, Prayer, Reading, Time | Posted On Friday, October 1, 2010 at 7:00 AM
As the apostle says to Timothy, so also he says to everyone, ‘Give yourself to reading.’ He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains (inspired by the Holy Spirit) proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works, especially the Puritanic writers and expositions of the Bible. The best way for you to spend your leisure is to be either reading or praying.
~ C.H. Spurgeon ~

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