Thomas Adams on Error

Posted by Antoinette Petersen | Labels: , , | Posted On Monday, September 12, 2011 at 8:00 AM

"There is difference betwixt error, schism, and heresy.  Error is when one holds a strong opinion alone; schism when many consent in their opinion; heresy runs further, and contends to root out the truth.  Error offends, but separates not; schism offends and separates; heresy offends, separates, and rageth.....
Error is weak, schism strong, heresy obstinate.  Error goes out, and often comes in again; schism comes not in, but makes a new church; heresy makes not a new church, but no church......Error is reproved and pitied, schism is reproved and punished, heresy is reproved and excommunicated.  Schism is in the same faith, heresy makes another faith.  Though they be thus distinguished, yet without God's preventing grace, one will run into another."

~Thomas Adams~


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